Welcome once again to our PS3 jailbreak blog. Everyone wants to jailbreak his PlayStation 3 console. Becuase PlayStation 3 title is expansive and PlayStation 3 lenses get rough and old day by day and at last, it will get damaged. Then you have to change it which will cost your very expensive. If you are playing the game by DVD through lenses then you have to change the game title again and again for playing another game. But in the jailbreak console you can store or copy all your games and you will no longer to change any kind of DVD for playing another game. Many people asking me the many questions and 60% people can’t jailbreak his console but still, they want to jailbreak his console and finding a way to jailbreak his console on the different type of website and version. In this article “Truth behind PS3 Jailbreak” I will tell you the truth behind PS3 Jailbreak and cover all the major question answer like – Can I jailbreak my PS3 console?, Why I can’t my PS3 jailbreak, Why all PS3 jailbreak password protected and where I can find it etc. So, let’s get started.
What I need to jailbreak my console?
Actually, the PS3 jailbreak is really easy. But before jailbreak, your console you should know what you need before jailbreak your console. I mention conditions with new jailbreak console and the old one.
1. First, you have to check your console model number which you can find on your console behind. It’s like CECH-XXXX
2. You have to check your OFW (Official framework version) Which you can find on your console system>About system (If your console is 3.55 OFW then it’s really great and easy to jailbreak your console). Because all the jailbreak (CFW) easily overwrite on 3.55 or 4.75 (OFW) version
4. When you check your OFW version and PS3 model number then you have to choose your jailbreak file. Example If your console OFW version is 3.55 then you should not try to jailbreak your console direct with 4.81. You should jailbreak your PS3 console with 4.75 CFW.
5. I already mention PS3 compatibility list with all jailbreak version. If you choose 4.75 JB or 4.81 then scroll down and check your model number. Your console model should be mention on the compatibility list.
Why my console is not on the compatibility list and what should I do now for jailbreak my console?
There can be much reason. I have mentioned below
1st your console has the latest model.
2nd your chosen jailbreak is not made for your console model.
Solution – You can wait for update file. It’s possible in next version your console model will be on the compatibility list and able to jailbreak your console with latest jailbreak file or you can sell your console and buy any console which model number is mention in the compatibility list. Many people jailbreak their console using E3 flasher, Cobra etc. But I do not recommend to the jailbreak console using any hardware.

The truth behind ps3 jailbreak
Why all Jailbreak file password protected?
It’s a security reason all jailbreak file is password protected. But on my website, I mention all the password clearly with every single post. There is no requirement of any survey. Many people are asking me the password because they didn’t read the whole article just visit for getting the file and after download, they need a password for unzipping the file. I mention password along with all the jailbreak file version. Please read the whole article before getting any jailbreak file.
I watch much video on YouTube they are jailbreaking his console how?
As I mention If you console meets the jailbreak requirement then you can easily jailbreak your console. You can watch again who creating during jailbreak video. No one shows his console in the whole video. If someone shows then you will never find super slim PlayStation 3 console. Those model number is CECH-2XXX. Which is really easy to jailbreak and 100% compatible with all jailbreak file version.
Can I jailbreak my console If I have the latest version?
Yes, you can jailbreak your console. Fat, slim and super slim. it does not matter if your console model number is in the compatibility list. Once you meet the requirement for jailbreak your console. Your console will be jailbreak 100%. If not then you can’t jailbreak your console anyway with USB (without using hardware)
Why do I see 72% error code during install PS3 jailbreak?
If you tried much time to jailbreak your console and you see the 72% data corrupt 8002F957 error. Then you forget to notice that is not the same error. Try to install your jailbreak file once again after shut down your console 15 mints. You will see the new error on 75% – 80% – 94% with different error code like – 8002F957, 80023324, 8002F967. It’s an error which means your console is not compatible with this jailbreak file or missing and you can’t jailbreak your console with CFW. You have to wait for update file.
How to fix PS3 jailbreak data corrupt 72% error?
First of all, it’s not mean the file is corrupted. As I have mentioned in the previous question. It’s just an error and it will come again and again when you will trying to jailbreak your console with the same file in random percentage and codes. You can not fix it and there is no way to jailbreak your console with the same file (Software method only).
Can I install Multi-Man?
Yes, you can install the multi-man on your console as an app. But before install multi-man, your console should be the jailbreak. If your console isn’t jailbroken. Then you can’t install PS3 multi-man.
Can I update my PS3 version after jailbreak my console via the internet?
No, If you update your console version via the internet then you will be lost your jailbreak and your console back to normal on OFW (Official Framework). Then it will be very difficult to jailbreak again.
Can I play PS3 Game DVD after jailbreak my console?
Yes, you can play PS3 game using the optical drive. But your console should be jailbreak with the latest version. If you console jailbreak with below version like 4.75, 4.76, 4.78 or 4.80 then it’s a chance you can be lost your jailbreak and console will be back to normal. Because PlayStation 3 game title has been compatible with the console version.
Should I play PS3 game though DVD if my console jailbreak below 4.81?
I do not recommend to play the game through DVD (If your console CFW version below latest version Ex – 4.81). Because you can be lost your console CFW. You can download from internet PS3 games and copy paste in your console hard drive and play.
Where to buy PS3 Jailbroken console?
If you can’t jailbreak your console for any reason and you want to buy a jailbroken console. Then you can buy a PS3 jailbroken console following website https://www.martforme.com. If you think about the country like US, Phillips, UK, where to buy. ps3 jailbroken console. Then don’t worry you can buy. Because MartForMe providing fast & Free international shipping.
Can I connect internet and access PSN network If I have jailbroken console?
Yes, you can freely connect the internet and easily use PSN network if you have jailbroken console. But remember do not update your console version via the internet if popup window comes to you and asking you for an update. Once you click OK for the update then your console will no longer be jailbroken. It will come back to normal on OFW (Official Framework Version).
Read: How to inject PS3 games on OFW without Jailbreak
Summary: – So, guys, I hope you read the whole article “Truth behind PS3 jailbreak” and find your answer in the truth behind PS3 jailbreak and the reason why you are failed to jailbreak your console. Ask me freely If you have any question-related jailbreak console. This article will be updated and your question answer will be mention. I hope you like the article please share your comment. Like our Facebook page and subscribe to our newsletter for the future updates.