This is an complete Jailbreak guide for PS4 systems. In this tutorial you’ll see how to jailbreak a PS4 without any hardware modification. By executing exploiit on PS4 system users can unlock new possibilities/features. Jailbreaking is a term used to describe when an exploit is found in a given piece of hardware allowing users to bypass restrictions.
PS4 Jailbreak features:
- Debug Setting Extra feature
- Install Packages file
- Unlock locked content or app
- FTP Server (PC to PS4 Connection)
- Dump/Copy PS4 disk
- ReactPSN
Before the start PS4 jailbreak process. You have to understand the most important thing. There is the difference between jailbreak process of 4.05, 4.55 and 5.05. If you are on another firmware. The example below then 4.05 then you have to update it first via USB not via the internet to 4.05. If you are above then 4.05 then you have to update your console up to 4.55. Above 4.55 firmware users have to update with 5.05 offline. Update perform should be via storage. Do not update your console via the internet. If you did, then you console will update with the latest firmware and you’ll be out of luck.
How to Jailbreak a PS4 console?
- Check your system information (Firmware should be 4.05 or 4.55)
- Go to setting tab and connect setup internet connection
- Setup internet connecting via wifi or LAN
- Leave everything default just manually put the DNS address
- Put primary DNS address
- Leave secondary DNS address
- Open users guide Choose 4.05 or 4.55
- Enable Mira or HAN
- Enjoy Jailbreak
Jailbreak process 5.05
- Check the system information (Firmware should be 5.05)
- Go to setting tab and connect setup internet connection
- Setup internet connecting via wifi or LAN
- Leave everything default just manually put the DNS address
- Put primary DNS address
- Put Secondary DNS address
- Open users guide Choose 5.05
- Enable Mira or HAN
- Enjoy Jailbreak

Q1: What is the PS4 Jailbreak?
A1: PS4 Jailbreak is not like PS3 jailbreak where you get Multiman and easily using the external hard drive you can install PS4 Packages file or directly play games. If your console is eligible to jailbreak. Then after the jailbreak process, you will get a debug setting in your setting tab and you can run locked content without a licence.
Q2: What is the debug setting in PS4?
A2: You will get debug setting after the jailbreak process. As we already share with you how to Jailbreak PS4 console. Debug setting in the setting tab allows you to install Package files (PKG) via USB or external hard drive. I just covered here the main advantage of the debug setting. But you will get more features in the debug setting.
Q3: Can I install any PS4 games on Jailbroken console?
A3: If you have jailbroken your console and you get the debug setting. Then you can easily install any PS4 games on your console via USB or external. But PS4 only support package format. If you have game in another format. Then first you need to convert your PS4 games to PKG format.
Q4: Can I dump/Copy PS4 disk on my PS4?
A4: Yes, you can. As I mentioned above. PS4 has only three jailbreak-able firmware 4.05, 4.55 and 5.05. But only 5.05 firmware only have the advance feature to dump/copy your PS4 disk game. To complete dumping process you need a USB or External drive.
Q5: Which USB or external drive should I use for my PS4?
A5: It depends on your game size. First, insert your game disk on your PS4 console. Then wait for the complete installation process. Then check game information. If your game is below then 4GB. Then you need a USB drive with the FAT32 format. Further, if your game is above then 4GB then you need a USB or external drive with the exFAT format.
Q6: Can I use NTFS formatted USB or external drive?
A6: No, you can’t. Because PlayStation 4 only supports FAT32 and exFAT format. If you have USB or external drive with the NTFS format. Then first you need to format it first with FAT32 or exFAT format. NTFS formatted drive won’t show in your PS4 anywhere because of the unsupported format.
Q7: How Can I convert my disk dump game to PKG?
A7: If you already dump/copy your PS4 disk on your USB storage. We already share with you an article how you convert PS4 disk game to PKG. Also, we shared a tutorial that you can watch here.
Q8: Can I use my PS4 Pro console?
A8: As I told you above in this article. PS4 jailbreak is not like PS3 jailbreak where you need to check compatibility list. PS4 jailbreak same for all console models. Does not matter which console model you have. You just need to check your firmware. It’s should below 5.05.
Q9: Can I Jailbreak my PS4 above 5.05 firmware?
A9: No, you can’t jailbreak your PS4 console above then 5.05. If you already updated your console via internet or storage media. Then you are out of luck and you have to wait for update Jailbreak version.
Q10: Can I downgrade my PS4 console 5.03 to 4.05 or lower?
A10: As you know the downgrading feature was not available in the PS3. So, how could it in PS4. Further, you may hear about the PS3 downgrade process but that only possible with the help of hardware like Cobra, E3 flasher. Not with a jailbreak file. But there is no hardware or software by which you can downgrade your PS4.
Q11: Is there any hope for updated (5.55) PS4 Jailbreak?
A11: As you know, in past PS4 jailbreak was not possible. But as you know, the first PS4 jailbreak was coming for 4.05 firmware and after that, you can jailbreak your 4.55 firmware and now you can jailbreak your 5.05 firmware. Now, the developers are regularly working on the latest firmware like 5.50 or 5.55. So, we hope that in the upcoming time you will get the jailbreak process for your PS4 5.50 or 5.55. Just do not update your console if you are planning to jailbreak your console.
Q12: Can I play online PS4 games after jailbreak my console?
A12: Yes, you can easily play your disk games after jailbreak your PS4 console. Because jailbreak process will never affect your BD drive hardware or features.
Q13: What is the difference between Mira, xvortex or kernel jailbreak?
A13: According to our view all jailbreak is slightly similar. The main difference is only about the name, xvortex released jailbreak name is xvortex jailbreak. Mira and Kenal project also know his name.
Summary: I hope guys, you get all the information all about PS4 Jailbreak process. If still, you have any question or query related to this article. Then you may ask us by leaving a comment in the comment section or our Facebook page. Subscribe our push notification to get our update news on daily basis.