Destroy All Humans 2020 is an open-world action-adventure video game developed by Black Forest Games and published by THQ Nordic. Released on July 28, 2020, for PlayStation 4, this game brings back the cult-classic experience with a fresh remake. As the alien Crypto-137, players can terrorize 1950s Earth, harvest human DNA, and overthrow the US government. Using alien weapons and psychic abilities, you’ll turn cities into rubble with your flying saucer. The *Destroy All Humans 2020* PS4 Fake PKG is available for download and installation, and game updates & DLC (PKG) can be installed on any exploited PlayStation 4 via USB or FTP.
Game Name | Destroy All Humans 2020 |
Platform | PlayStation 4 |
Genre | Action-adventure |
Mode | Singleplayer |
Release Date | July 28, 2020 |
Size | 4 GB |
Required Firmware | 7.51+ |
FAQs | Read Here |
Game Overview
Destroy All Humans 2020 is played from a third-person perspective where players control Cryptosporidium 137, or “Crypto,” an alien tasked with harvesting human DNA in 1950s America. Equipped with a variety of exotic weapons like the Zap-O-Matic and Anal Probe, Crypto must defeat enemies using both these weapons and psychic powers. The alien can also disguise itself as a human, adding a strategic element to the gameplay.
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