American Fugitive is an action-adventure game developed by Fallen Tree Games and published by Curve Games. Released on May 21, 2019, for PlayStation 4, this game challenges players to navigate the criminal underworld and evade the police after being falsely accused of murdering their father. The American Fugitive PS4 Fake PKG is available for download and installation. Game updates & DLC (PKG) can be installed on any exploited PlayStation 4 via USB or FTP.
Game Name | American Fugitive |
Platform | PlayStation 4 |
Genre | Action, Adventure, Indie |
Mode | Singleplayer |
Release Date | May 21, 2019 |
Size | 1 GB |
Required Firmware | 6.51+ |
FAQs | Read Here |
Game Overview
American Fugitive is a top-down action-adventure game reminiscent of classic Grand Theft Auto titles. Players control William Riley, who has been framed for his father’s murder and must escape from prison and navigate the criminal world to clear his name. The game features a mix of high-speed chases, engaging missions, and an expansive open world to explore.
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