Witch on the Holy Night is a captivating visual novel adventure developed by TYPE-MOON and published by Aniplex. Set in a magical world filled with intrigue and mystery, this game offers an engaging story with stunning artwork and deep character interactions. The Witch on the Holy Night PS4 Fake PKG is available for download and installation. Game updates and DLC (PKG) can be installed on any exploited PlayStation 4 using USB or FTP.
Game Name | Witch on the Holy Night |
Platform | PlayStation 4 |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Mode | Single Player |
Release Date | December 8, 2022 |
Size | 14.99 GB |
Required Firmware | 10.00+ |
FAQs | Read Here |
Game Overview
Witch on the Holy Night presents an immersive narrative experience with a rich blend of fantasy and drama. Players delve into a story set in a world where magic and mystery intertwine. The game features beautifully crafted visuals and an engaging plot that unfolds through interactive storytelling. With the PS4 Deluxe Edition, players receive all updates and additional content, enhancing the overall experience with new storylines and gameplay elements.
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